Already well established in the preamp and audio interface market, PreSonus has added loudspeakers to their line of products in the past several years. In this review, I’m taking a look at the PreSonus Eris E5 studio monitors.
The Kali Audio LP-6 is a product that may make you reconsider your expectations when buying budget studio monitors. They’re extremely inexpensive, and in terms of sound quality, I was surprised by the results. Let’s take a closer look.
Genelec, based in Finland, has been around since the late 1970s as a manufacturer of active loudspeakers for professional-grade recording studios, broadcast, and movie production. They’ve upheld their reputation for decades, thanks to how well-designed their products are, and the 8010A is no exception.
There are plenty of budget monitors out there to pick from, although most of them come with serious drawbacks. The Rokits are too bass-heavy, the Yamahas are too piercing, the list goes on. The Adam Audio T5V? Well, they have some drawbacks too, but on a purely objective level, these monitors perform far better than a handful of their other budget counterparts.
Back in the 1980s, Yamaha came out with the NS-10. These monitors sounded absolutely horrible, but it was that exact reason that Yamaha found great success through their release. The short of it all was that they were harsh, brittle, but extremely accurate at showing sore spots and weaknesses in any mix.
Yamaha’s newer line of monitors, the HS5, are often compared to the NS-10, and for the most part, that comparison is fairly accurate.
JBL has been well-trusted as a leading audio equipment manufacturer ever since its inception in 1946. Behind the entirety of its portfolio is a dedication to science and research which lies at the heart of each of JBL’s products.
The 305P Mk2 do a good job at carrying this legacy on, and I personally think they’re one of the better options available for budget studio monitors.