It’s 2025, and we’re in the golden age of guitar manufacturing. From high-end boutique makers to historically significant brands and affordable options, this guide covers everything you need to make an informed, educated decision as a consumer.
Every new endeavor is challenging, there’s no doubt about that. However, everything gets easier with time. Just think how hard it would be to learn a new language, and then take stock of how much you have mastered your native tongue.
By the same token, if you put your work in – in the form of small digestible chunks – you will get much better at playing guitar in no time.
Over the decades, there have been so many great female guitar players. However, nowadays, it seems as if the expansion has finally reached its peak, and a definitive list is much needed.
So, without much further ado, let me get you up to date with one of the fastest-growing and most potent sections of our industry!
Nowadays, more than ever, you can hear a lot of the members of the old guard saying that there is no good music today. For the rock-tinged folk, that is synonymous with the assumption that there are no excellent guitar players today.
In reality, there is a whole new guitar revival going on, with some of the players spearheading a new, radically different approach to the sounds and technique.
If you want a straightforward, highly affordable, well-made guitar, the C-6 Deluxe by Schecter is something you should check out!
Although, often labeled as beginner guitars, let me tell you – there’s nothing entry-level about this guitar in terms of quality! The only beginner characteristic of this guitar series is the affordable price.
Developing a list of the greatest guitarists ever is a pretty daunting task. Over the last 100 years, there were so many stellar guitar players who left their mark on music as we know it. The fact that I had to leave out some greats in favor of some others was nothing short of heartbreaking.
However, I have seen a great deal of utility in writing such a list. Maybe the next Robert Johnson, Yngwie Malmsteen, or Ritchie Blackmore is out there reading this article in hopes of getting inspired.